Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Silver Dagger's "Controlled Bling"

There are two types of shoppers in a recession: 1) broke, with no spending money. or 2) filthy rich, but feeling guilty about flaunting said money. Last December, Tina Brown's Daily Beast famously exposed the stealth-shopping habits of the spouses of wealthy CEOs. It seems these women ask high-end retailers to brown-bag their Hermes scarves and thousand-dollar gloves lest someone see them flaunting their riches while the rest of the country staggers through the recession. Well, with Silver Dagger you won't have to brown bag your couture. In the menswear trade magazine DNR, Silver Dagger says that they specialize in "controlled bling:" rhinestone embellishments that come in tribal or skull shapes. "It's blingy, but classy," says Serge Abecassi, head designer. Silver Dagger counts Hulk Hogan and Alfonso Ribeiro from Fresh Prince of Bel Air as clients. Above: Hulk Hogan wearing the Silver Dagger cross buckle.

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